Monday, October 03, 2005

Male bonding

Andrew had a great Sunday. We went out for breakfast then went to a park to play for a bit since it was cool and sunny. The perfect early fall weather. While I sat with Abi in the shade, Don and Andrew played on the slide. And this is SOME SLIDE. One of those old fashioned metal ones that is about 10 ft high at the top. For a while they took turns going down one after the other, then Andrew decided he liked the idea of going down in daddy's lap. "Again!" he'd shout as soon as their feet touched the ground. It was so wonderful to see those two enjoying each other so much.

In the evening, we went for our weekly visit to Don's parents. The afternoon was just as lovely as the morning, so we sat outside on their front patio. While Andrew was playing in the yard, Don's dad said he needed to pick up some twigs. I suggested he ask Andrew to help. Andrew just loved helping his Dziadzi (Polish for grandfather) clean up the front yard. He was so cute pulling the bucket around and tossing sticks in.

It was a great day all around for the guys!

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