Saturday, November 03, 2007

Fall Into Fitness

We Finished
Originally uploaded by wenjomatic.

I can hardly believe it! I walked in a 5K race today! I did it! I finished and wasn't even last (barely). LOL

My friends and I got up early and braved the cold this morning to Fall Into Fitness at Overlook Park. There were lots of power runners present and others like ourselves, just begging to get healthier. It was a lot of fun, and loads of laughs. Good thing we can laugh at ourselves!

My goals were to a) finish and b) finish in under an hour. I did both! Walking all summer, my friend and I had been averaging between 20-24m a mile and I wanted to do the 5K (3.1 miles) in under sixty minutes. I finished in 55:44. Pretty sad if you look at it from a true runner's prospective, but pretty darn good if you look at it from where I was early summer.

I'm so glad I did it. I can't wait to do it again!


Anonymous said...

You go Girl!!!!!! Keep it up, we're proud of you.
dad and Dana

teejayhansen said...

I am SO, SO proud of you! I knew you could do it! Great job!