Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mommy Wars

Why are women so hard on each other? I am one... and I'm totally guilty of it. But why is it this way?

I travel in several mommy circles, in person and online, and there always seems to be some drama going on. What is it that keeps us stirred up? Just recently I've seen people take their toys and go home over the darndest things. Peanut butter, the raging breast feeding vs. forumla debate, who posts more often and contributes more to the group, junk food at playdates, moms having babies via Csection being treated as second class mommies.


I used to say that I hated working with women because they are so emotional and hormonal. And its just always true. Men were, at the very least, predictable. Even if you can't count on them to do the best job... you know they will shut up and work.

Isn't it hard enough work to be a parent and a wife? You have to be right all of the time too? Sigh.


Margie (and Fae) said...

I hear ya. You know how I feel about all of that. We can't just like each other... we always have to judge.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree give me men to work with and be friends with ANY day! You might not always know what they are feeling or thinking but man they don't ALWAYS fight it out!

Anonymous said...

I agree with your comments regarding judgment and drama. I'm sorry that you have been disappointed with your group experience.