Saturday, August 26, 2006

Scoops of Heaven

Grandma Reedy's Peach CobblerAhh, here it is in all its glory, Grandma Reedy's Peach Cobbler! I took the children to pick peaches at Cherry Hill Orchards on Thursday and we got 12 pounds, including a few early apples. I shared them with mom-in-law, as she's a fantastic pie maker.

Friday I peeled, seeded and sliced enough peaches for 3 cobblers. Two ziplocs went into the freezer, pre-measured for baking later. With the 3rd portion, I baked up Grandma's cobbler. Needless to say, Don was pretty happy to come home to pork chops for dinner and his grandma's cobbler.

We definitely plan to go back very soon so we can fill the freezer up with fruit for baking this winter. The fall apples will be ready in a few weeks at Cherry Hill so we'll be ready for some apple crisp!

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