Friday, June 01, 2007

My first Project Spectrum inspiration...Complete!!!

Summer Cotton Low Roll Sock Complete
Originally uploaded by wenjomatic.

I pushed myself to finish these summer cotton socks as part of Lolly's Project Spectrum II. The colors for project inspiration during the months of April and May were pink-green-yellow. I had this yarn, from my birthday yarn extravaganza, and it fit, perfectly incorporating all three colors. Hooray!

A pair of socks in two weeks seems like a real accomplishment to this mom of three, so pardon my pat on the back. Its so nice to set a goal for yourself, even if it is a small one, and succeed. Funny how a simple pair of knitted socks can make you feel so fulfilled.

But enough about me... the socks!!! The pattern is a simple 64 stitch cast on, fingering weight on size 1 double pointed needles, slip/knit heel picking up 17 for each side of the gusset. I adapted the rolled top from a pattern in Knit Socks! by Betsy McCarthy. The yarn is cotton from Norway by SandesGarn, Mandarin #2406, SO soft and luxurious. They are the perfect sock for summer heat and for wearing with Crocs. These happen to match 2 pairs of my own. Weeee!

All that said, there is something troubling me. I finished these socks yesterday, May 31st... the last day of this color triad for Project Spectrum II... and wore them to my knitting circle last night. I was showing them to two friends and of course they were happy for me... its what we knitters do. When another knitter, who is a bit on the fringes of our group (hasn't come very often, hasn't made an effort to really get to know anyone) asked, "you're wearing socks?" with a bit of a snarky face. I replied, "yes, I knit them in light cotton, just for the summer. She let out this most evil laugh and tossed head back, "socks in summer? hahahahahhahahaha!" I was floored. First of, I know I'm not the only person that puts socks on in the summer time occasionally, BUT that someone who is coming to socialize and supposedly strike a common chord with a group of women would be so rude to belittle another person. And openly, for crying out loud!! It was quite possibly the most eye-opening event of recent days for me, regarding the spirit of some people.

Many of us in our very small SnB have tried hard to get to know her, and have been hurt by her snide personality on several occasions. It just makes me sad that someone can be so cruel and manipulative. Its a good thing I'm a fairly confident kind of gal... or she would have crushed me like a bug! Perhaps that was her intent. What a meanie!


ami said...

I love those socks! I meant to venture out to B&N last night, but the holiday totally threw me off schedule and I forgot what day it was until I read your post.

Anonymous said...

First of all-those socks are awesome. Second of all, everyone I know wears socks year round. It's not mittens for goodness sake! if you wore mittens in summer, I would probably laugh at you.

Anywho! I had loads of fun at SnB, as usual!

Anonymous said...

Okay, first of all, those socks are SO pretty, which I said over on flickr, but it bears repeating. ;)

Second, that woman is a twit. Um, people wear socks with sneakers? When they hike? To avoid blisters? Hello? Dumbass.

So don't let her get you down. It's obvious from the way you described her and the rest of the group that SHE has a serious personality problem. I wouldn't even go out of my way to make her feel welcomed there anymore, but that's just me, and I'm a bi-- not so nice sometimes. LOL!

teejayhansen said...

Yikes! I totally missed that last night, I'm so sorry you had to deal with it. I think you're socks look awesome! I am a tad on the jealous side and I think I might just have to attempt a pair, even though socks are so intimidating to me.

Heather said...

Aww sorry she couldn't share in your happiness sweety that wa sjust plain mean!

Anonymous said...

OMgosh, What a "B"! Your socks totally rock! That person should be asked to leave the group and not come back. If she really was into knitting, she should've known that sock knitting is awesome and we put a lot of time into it.